Monday, October 1, 2012

Rest and Renewal With SoulCollage

Rest and Renewal with SoulCollage® and Yoga 

November 10, 2012

Who is it that can make muddy waters clear? asks the Tao Te Ching.  It appears if allowed to remain still, the waters will gradually become clear.    When we become still and allow our life to rest, we invite the possibility to experience a renewal of energy and gradual clarity of perception.  Within this quiet inner presence of the moment, we make ourselves available to the insights and blessings that arise only in stillness and time.

Often when we hear the word rest we think sleep.  This is not a workshop to sleep but rather to lay aside all the busyness of our daily lives and  be with silence, meditation, music,  SoulCollage® and Yoga.

SoulCollage® is a deeply satisfying, nurturing, self-discovery process combining imagery with imagination and intuition. Discover your inner creative self using the simple tools of images, scissors, and glue.    Artistic skills are not required; only your willingness to participate as images magically find you.  Yoga will be basic and restful allowing you to rest, integrate what is revealing itself and leave refreshed and renewed. 
Date:  November 10, 2012   Time:  9:00 – 4:00                          

Place:  All Souls Interfaith Gathering, Shelburne, Vt.

Fee:     $60.00 (includes materials) will consider bartering
Facilitated by Joan Palmer, trained SoulCollage® facilitator, owner of Moving for Well Being, a business committed to supporting others moving into their full and authentic expression. Heidi Bock Anusara-Inspired Yoga Instructor will lead a one hour yoga session at the end of the program to complete the day and integrate the work.
For more information/to register call (802-578-9825) or email or  send fee to Joan Palmer, 46 South St. Burlington, Vt. 05401.  Visit Joan’s facebook soulcollage® page.




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