Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Introductory SoulCollage® Workshop May 30 in Chestertown, New York

Joan Palmer will offer an Introductory SoulCollage® workshop in Chestertown, New York May 30. Details of the workshop are below:

INTRODUCTORY WORKSHOP TO SoulCollage® May 30, 2009

SoulCollage® is a deeply satisfying, nurturing, self-discovery process combining imagery with imagination and intuition. Discover your instinctive, inner creative self using the simple tools of images, scissors, and glue! Artist skills are not required, only your willingness to participate as images magically finds you, revealing important aspects of who you are.

At this workshop you will receive:

- An overview of SoulCollage

· Time to complete 2-5 collaged cards (the beginnings of your personally created SoulCollage® deck).

· An invitation to tap into your inner wisdom by learning the process of how the cards are speaking to you.

· An opportunity to connect with others in a relaxed and playful atmosphere. A time out just for you to nurture and nourish your soul.

Dates: May 30, 10:00 – 3:00
Place: The Priory Retreat House, Chestertown, NY
Fee: Donation $39.00

Facilitated by Joan Palmer, trained SoulCollage® facilitator, owner of Moving for Well Being, (MFWB) a business committed to supporting others moving into their full and authentic expression. MFWB provides services in career and transitional counseling, yoga dance classes and a variety of career and personal growth workshops and is located in Burlington, Vt. 802-578-9825, email address:

For more information/ to register
Contact Connie at The Priory Retreat House 518-494-3733

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