Tuesday, December 23, 2008

What is SoulCollage?

SoulCollage is a creative tool that was developed by Seena B. Frost, a licensed marriage and family therapist from Santa Cruz, CA. SoulCollage speaks to the soul and the psyche, your personal story and the larger story. SoulCollage involves creating a deck of collaged cards from images found in magazines, or from cards, old calendars, photos or your own personal artwork. It is a process that allows you to move out of your analytical mind, into a more creative realm that opens you to self-exploration. It helps bring what is unconscious into consciousness.

When collecting images, by allowing the images to "select you", you tap into the unconscious imagination. By doing this, you open windows to your own soul, revealing what may have previously been unknown to you. SoulCollage offers a visual representation of the various aspects of you personality. When you can visualize the various aspects of your personality, you can integrate all the parts-the visible and the invisible, The One and The Many. When we deny or repress aspects of ourselves, perhaps the parts we do not like, these parts only get stronger. SoulCollage cards can be useful in identifying these guides and challengers, and facilitates dialogue with these vaious parts. SoulCollage taps into imagination and intuition. You do not want to think too much when you are in the process of creating cards, just allow the process to unfold on its own, taking shape in its own time. Some cards will be created at one sitting, while others may take weeks or months to feel completed.


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