Monday, December 10, 2012

The Inner Journey  

with SoulCollage®, Poetry, Reflective Writing, and Mindfulness


                     Donna’s SoulCollage® Card

So often we are painfully aware of desiring more in our life. This longing causes us to search for external solutions. And so we read books, we attend classes and we set goals and yet often find ourselves reverting back to patterns and ways that do not support our deepest self.



This workshop is intended to support you in looking inward, finding that personal, silent connection with yourself.  From this silent, centered place you are able to address issues, and questions that arise in your everyday life with greater personal satisfaction.

 At this retreat you will have fun,  make connections and explore:

·      Discovering your dreams looking inward.

·      Uncovering obstacles. What gets in the way?

·      Finding ways to take steps which will allow you to

                               fulfill your dreams.


  SoulCollage®, developed by Seena Frost PhD, is a deeply satisfying, nurturing, self-discovery process combining imagery with imagination and intuition.   With the simple tools of images, scissors, and glue you create your own personal cards.

Artistic skills are not required, only your willingness to participate as images magically find you, revealing important aspects of who you are.


Date:  Jan. 5, 2013  9:30 am – 3:30  All Souls Interfaith Gathering, Shelburne, VT

Fee:    $55.00  Send $20.00 deposit to Joan Palmer, 46 South St. Burlington, VT. 05401


Facilitated by Joan Palmer (802-578-9825)  and Donna Peabody (802-922-5328)   Visit SoulCollage® by Joan on facebook



Monday, October 1, 2012

Rest and Renewal With SoulCollage

Rest and Renewal with SoulCollage® and Yoga 

November 10, 2012

Who is it that can make muddy waters clear? asks the Tao Te Ching.  It appears if allowed to remain still, the waters will gradually become clear.    When we become still and allow our life to rest, we invite the possibility to experience a renewal of energy and gradual clarity of perception.  Within this quiet inner presence of the moment, we make ourselves available to the insights and blessings that arise only in stillness and time.

Often when we hear the word rest we think sleep.  This is not a workshop to sleep but rather to lay aside all the busyness of our daily lives and  be with silence, meditation, music,  SoulCollage® and Yoga.

SoulCollage® is a deeply satisfying, nurturing, self-discovery process combining imagery with imagination and intuition. Discover your inner creative self using the simple tools of images, scissors, and glue.    Artistic skills are not required; only your willingness to participate as images magically find you.  Yoga will be basic and restful allowing you to rest, integrate what is revealing itself and leave refreshed and renewed. 
Date:  November 10, 2012   Time:  9:00 – 4:00                          

Place:  All Souls Interfaith Gathering, Shelburne, Vt.

Fee:     $60.00 (includes materials) will consider bartering
Facilitated by Joan Palmer, trained SoulCollage® facilitator, owner of Moving for Well Being, a business committed to supporting others moving into their full and authentic expression. Heidi Bock Anusara-Inspired Yoga Instructor will lead a one hour yoga session at the end of the program to complete the day and integrate the work.
For more information/to register call (802-578-9825) or email or  send fee to Joan Palmer, 46 South St. Burlington, Vt. 05401.  Visit Joan’s facebook soulcollage® page.



Thursday, September 1, 2011

The Inner Journey
with SoulCollage®, Poetry, Reflective Writing, and Movement

So often we are painfully aware of desiring more in our life. This longing causes us to search for external solutions. And so we read books, we attend classes and we set goals and yet often find ourselves reverting back to patterns and ways that do not support our deepest self.
This workshop is intended to support you in looking inward, finding that personal, silent connection with yourself. From this silent, centered place you are able to address issues, and questions that arise in your everyday life with greater personal satisfaction.
At this retreat you will have fun and make connections and explore;

• Discovering your dreams looking inward.
• Uncovering obstacles. What gets in the way?
• Finding ways to take steps which will allow you to
fulfill your dreams.

We will use SoulCollage®, readings and poetry, writing, and movement as ways to delve deeply into areas of self discovery and allow room for each individual’s intuition to reveal itself.
Soul Collage®, developed by Seena Frost PhD, is a deeply satisfying, nurturing, self-discovery process combining imagery with imagination and intuition. With the simple tools of images, scissors, and glue you create your own personal cards.
Artistic skills are not required, only your willingness to participate as images magically find you, revealing important aspects of who you are.

Date: Sept. 24, 2011 9:30 am – 7:30 pm. Priory Retreat Center, Chestertown, NY
Fee: $70 + $5 materials fee. Includes lunch and dinner (overnight accommodations are optional with an extra fee if desired.)
Facilitated by Joan Palmer and Donna Peabody. Contact Joan for info. 802-578-9825 and Connie to register 518-494-3733
Go to for detailed information about SoulCollage®.

The Inner Journey Workshop - The Priory in Chestertown, NY

Sunday, July 5, 2009

SoulCollage® Workshop

The Inner Journey:
Through SoulCollage® Poetry, Reflective Writing and Movement
Saturday Nov 7 & 8, 2009
This retreat offers the opportunity to slow down from life's demands and allow yourself time to explore your deeper self. We will use SoulCollage® , a self discovery process combining imagery, imagination and intuition along with time for sharing poetry, reflective writing and movement. Not artistic skills are required, just a willingness to explore.

Facilitators: Joan Palmer, Donna Peabody
Donation: $125; (plus $10.00 materials fee) includes meals and lodging; Commuter $75.00 includes lunch

Contact Joan for more information or to register

May 2009 SoulCollage® workshop in Chestertown, NY

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Introductory SoulCollage® Workshop May 30 in Chestertown, New York

Joan Palmer will offer an Introductory SoulCollage® workshop in Chestertown, New York May 30. Details of the workshop are below:

INTRODUCTORY WORKSHOP TO SoulCollage® May 30, 2009

SoulCollage® is a deeply satisfying, nurturing, self-discovery process combining imagery with imagination and intuition. Discover your instinctive, inner creative self using the simple tools of images, scissors, and glue! Artist skills are not required, only your willingness to participate as images magically finds you, revealing important aspects of who you are.

At this workshop you will receive:

- An overview of SoulCollage

· Time to complete 2-5 collaged cards (the beginnings of your personally created SoulCollage® deck).

· An invitation to tap into your inner wisdom by learning the process of how the cards are speaking to you.

· An opportunity to connect with others in a relaxed and playful atmosphere. A time out just for you to nurture and nourish your soul.

Dates: May 30, 10:00 – 3:00
Place: The Priory Retreat House, Chestertown, NY
Fee: Donation $39.00

Facilitated by Joan Palmer, trained SoulCollage® facilitator, owner of Moving for Well Being, (MFWB) a business committed to supporting others moving into their full and authentic expression. MFWB provides services in career and transitional counseling, yoga dance classes and a variety of career and personal growth workshops and is located in Burlington, Vt. 802-578-9825, email address:

For more information/ to register
Contact Connie at The Priory Retreat House 518-494-3733

Visit for general information about soulcollage and continue reading this site.